Friday, April 17, 2009

When i first looked at this, I thought it looked like something that would be in a coral reef. I see movement in this piece. I think that's cool because the movement i stared at it, I imagined underwater sounds, fishes, how cold it would be, movement, beauty, etc. It's amaging how I imagined feeling, hearing, and seeing so many things just from one piece of art. The walls look really thin so it must have been really hard to make. I've done a thin shoe, but it wasn't as thin as this.


  1. Angel,
    Please get your images of your practice tiles on your blog. Go to the Pottery Assignments page and look at the sculpture assignments section. Talk to me if you have questions.

  2. Missed you at open studio! Wasn't the same without you. Let's get your torso up and going!

